
雖然花費數年只是從5.0版進到5.1版, 但是表示這個開發團隊還沒死!

不過5.0版的中文bug, 在文內有"一", "最"...等字時, 在之後的copy內容會消失, 到5.1版一樣沒修正, 如此一來其實用性大為降低.

有問題的當然不只這兩字, 只是這兩字最常用!

  所以我還是乖乖回頭再把4.1版裝回來. 4.1版的note內容雖然只能接受txt格式, 不像5.x是html格式, 但在中文環境下還是較為實用些.

  總覺得對此軟體的開發團隊有無比的怨念, 當初號稱PPC因有Listpro而存在的偉大軟體, 居然可以任它沒落至此, PDA上最有用的小型個人資料庫至今在智慧手機上已不受人重視, 代之而起的卻是多媒體和網路社交功能.

  Winodws Mobiles長期積弱不振, 順帶限制了其中軟體的發展, Listpro這個我依賴最深的軟體讓我只好死守WM陣營, 如今總算出了iPhone版本, 希望Android版也快出來吧! 相信和我一樣苦等的老PDA玩家應該有不少, 但早就暗罵到沒力了. 我不想買iPhone, 倒是很期待Android陣營的i9000及後續機種.



Listpro 相關資料, 取自原廠網站.

ListPro Size Limits
# Notes: The Notes field is limited to around 32k of text.
# Lists: The maximum number of lists in a file is 181. If you use a Palm: You can have more lists on a Palm but you can only sync 181 to the desktop and will receive an error if you try to sync more. If you have more than 181 lists, you will receive the error message "No available section numbers."
# Indent Levels: You can only indent 15 times.
# List Size: An individual list can't be more than 3MB.
# File Size: A .CLF file can't be more than 16MB
# Item Size: Each item is limited to 64kb. Since each character requires two bytes (UNICODE wide characters), this limits all the fields in an item to less than 32k characters.
# Characters Per List: The number of characters (very roughly) that a list can support is 1,572,864 -- but varies depending on the number and type of fields in the list.
# Maximum Columns per List: Approx. 32
# Maximum Yes/No Columns: 16
# Maximum Characters for a String/Category Field: 255 chars (or bytes, which is different in far east) for strings or categories.
# Maximum Amount of Category Data (Palm-only): 32k, which is for the entire list. It is possible to put more data in the category values list on the desktop, and this will result in an error 1209 when syncing to a Palm.
# Maximum Items: 32787 items/list on Windows, 16,000 items/list on Palm


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